31 Julai 2009
29 Julai 2009
28 Julai 2009
Berkongsi Berita Gembira Bersama Laila
18 Julai 2009
Pengumuman Cuti : Europe Trip Siri 5
17 Julai 2009
Masa untuk ke Pop Corn!

Voldemort is tightening his grip on both the Muggle and wizarding worlds and Hogwarts is no longer the safe haven it once was. Harry suspects that dangers may even lie within the castle, but Dumbledore is more intent upon preparing him for the final battle that he knows is fast approaching. Together they work to find the key to unlock Voldemort's defenses and, to this end, Dumbledore recruits his old friend and colleague, the well-connected and unsuspecting bon vivant Professor Horace Slughorn, whom he believes holds crucial information. Meanwhile, the students are under attack from a very different adversary as teenage hormones rage across the ramparts. Harry finds himself more and more drawn to Ginny, but so is Dean Thomas. And Lavender Brown has decided that Ron is the one for her, only she hadn't counted on Romilda Vane's chocolates! And then there's Hermione, simpering with jealously but determined not to show her feelings. As romance blossoms, one student remains aloof. He is determined to make his mark, albeit a dark one. Love is in the air, but tragedy lies ahead and Hogwarts may never be the same again.
Selamat menonton!
1Cetak tiket online Ryanair
2-Kemas beg
3-Cetak beberapa dokumen lain berkaitan
4-Charge bateri kamera
5-Ke rumah Emy untuk menziarah ibu-ibunya yang datang dari Malaysia khas untuk kelahiran bayi pertamanya yang masih dinanti
6-Ke Netto membeli barangan keperluan untuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran bila balik ke Malaysia
7-Kemaskini blog (ada 2 entri berkenaan Harry Potter yang harus disiapkan)
8-Mengemas dapur untuk ditinggalkan selama 10 hari
9-Menyiapkan manuskrip CPK hingga ke mukasurat ???
10-Mengalihkan rakaman video dari CD ke komputer untuk CD trip-trip lepas
Rasa semput tapi harus diselesaikan....Tarik nafas dan bekerjalah bersungguh-sungguh....
16 Julai 2009
Harry Potter Spoiler Alert : Apa kata yang telah menonton...
Kita baca apa kata mereka yang sudah menonton filem terbaru Harry Potter ini. Daripada 5 bintang, berapakah yang diberikan mereka dan mengapa.
Gan Jiunn Wei: I thought it was interesting and confusing as well because I haven't been following the films. The pacing was too slow for me in terms of how they speak and even the delivery of the action scenes. Overall, I'd give 3.5 stars.
Kevin Miau: The film was okay. I have been following the previous Harry Potter films and I can say that "The Goblet Of Fire" was much better. Only 3 stars for this movie.
Daniel Lee Yi Hoong: I'm a Harry Potter follower of the books and films, and I felt that they didn't elaborate further on the Half-Blood Prince when they should. Moreover, it was a bit draggy. To me "The Goblet Of Fire" and "The Order Of The Phoenix" was much better as more magic was being displayed. I'd give 3 stars.
Ng Siok Hiong: I've watched the previous five films and I can say that this was the worst movie among the rest. It felt way too commercial at this stage, I couldn't sense the climax and there wasn't much elaboration on the Half-Blood Prince. I'd rate it with 2 stars.
Filem Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince ditayangkan kepada umum bermula 16 Julai 2009. Itu kata mereka, apa kata anda pula? Seperti membaca novel, setiap orang ada citarasa sendiri dalam menilai. Anda suka, tidak bermakna mereka juga bersetuju dengan anda. Barangkali anda merasakan menonton filem ini tidak berbaloi tetapi bagi sesetengah orang, inilah yang dikatakan filem yang sebenar! Jadi muggles.... mari ke panggung!
15 Julai 2009
Filem Harry Potter Dijangka Meletup
Namun, pengarah siri ketujuh dan terakhir filem Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince itu, David Yates menjanjikan penutup Harry Potterakan jauh lebih hebat.
"Filem penutup itu tak ubah seperti sebuah epik. Ia menampilkan lebih banyak adegan menarik. Ia penuh dengan adegan pertempuran, naga dan peperangan," katanya.
Antara pelakon filem itu ialah Daniel Radcliffe, Ema Watson, Rupert Grint, James Phelps dan Oliver Phelps.
Di Amerika Syarikat (AS), filem Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince menerima kritikan positif manakala beratus-ratus panggung wayang di AS mencatat tempahan penuh bagi tayangan pembukaan filem tersebut.
Filem yang mengadunkan babak percintaan, magis dan komedi di sekolah ahli sihir Hogwarts itu diadaptasi daripada tujuh buah novel oleh penulis Britain, J.K. Rowling.
Sehingga kini, ketujuh-tujuh novel Harry Potter sudah dijual melebihi 400 juta salinan manakala francais filem itu meraih pendapatan AS$4.5 bilion (RM16.2 bilion) di seluruh dunia untuk studio perfileman Warner Bros yang dimiliki kumpulan Time Warner. - Reuters
Filem Harry Potter akan mula ditayangkan di seluruh dunia mulai tarikh berikut:

14 Julai 2009
Selamat pulang dan selamat belajar kembali

Kini setelah 8 bulan, mereka harus pulang untuk menyambung setahun lagi pengajian di UTP. Semoga pengalaman yang ditimba di sini dapat digunakan dalam pengajian mereka. Selain praktikum, budak-budak ni sudah berjalan sakan ni....keliling Europe. Jadi pulangnya ke Malaysia akan mengubat rindu ibubapa nampaknya.... Selamat kembali ke Malaysia dan selamat belajar....
Learn more words with Harrypedia

Sorcerer's Stone: A small, ruby-red stone that can change metal into gold and produces the Elixir of Life, which makes the drinker immortal.
13 Julai 2009
10 Facts about The New Harry Potter Movie

1. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince release date was moved from November 21, 2008 to July of 2009.
2. Dame Maggie Smith (Professor Minerva McGonagall) completed filming this film while she was undergoing radio-therapy as treatment for breast cancer.
3. Hero Fiennes-Tiffin who plays Tom Riddle, 11, is the real life nephew of Ralph Fiennes who plays Lord Voldemort/Tom Riddle. Yates insisted Fiennes-Tiffin did not get the role simply because of his uncle, but did admit the resemblance was "a clincher".
4. Sir Michael Gambon, ( Dumbledore) became a father last month at 68 years of age.
5. Quidditch at Hogwarts is back in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince after being absent from the last two films.
6. Robert Knox, (Marcus Belby), was tragically stabbed to death soon after filming was finished. Some of the cast sported a white ribbon at the premier in his memory.
7. Jessie Cave, (Lavender Brown) beat more than 7,000 girls to win her first major film role.
8. After reading the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince script,Rowlings noticed a line where Dumbledore mentioned a girl that he had a crush on when younger. She then released the fact (to the filmmakers and the public) that Dumbledore was gay.
9. Naomi Watts was first cast to play Narcissa Malfoy but had to drop out due to scheduling conflicts.
10. Fifteen cast members have appeared in all of the Harry Potter films:
1. Daniel Radcliffe(Harry Potter)
2. Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley)
3. Emma Watson (Hermione Granger)
4. Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid)
5. Maggie Smitth, (McGonagall)
6. Devon Murray (Seamus)
7. Matthew Lewis (Neville)
8. Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy)
9. Oliver Phelps (George Weasley)
10. Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley)
11. James Phelps (Fred Weasley)
12. Alfred Enoch (Dean Thomas)
13. Jamie Waylett (Crabbe)
14. Joshua Herdman (Goyle)
15. Alan Rickman (Snape)